Liz Jones Studio

Liz Jones is a full time printmaker and textile designer based in Cumbria. Inspired by her rural environment and her love of hand printing, she uses the linocut method to create limited edition original linocuts and handprinted designs for fabric.

To produce her nature-inspired fabric she screenprints her linocut designs, by hand, onto linen and cotton to produce lampshades, cushions and other homeware. Her handprinted limited edition linocuts are usually created using the reduction print method.

This is a method of block printing in which each layer of colour is taken from the same block. More lino is removed from the block for each layer and each colour is printed on top of the last, building up the image.

Unlike single-cut lino blocks, at the end of the printing process, the block is obsolete as so little of the design remains- just the relief of the final colour.

Liz exhibits throughout Cumbria and beyond and regularly runs linocut workshops in Cumbria and the neighbouring counties. Her work was recently featured in Country Living.


Liz Jones Artwork


Deepdale Design


Anne Stride